Handling of pharmaceutical and healthcare products requires particular attention, dedication and qualification. The Luxembourg logistics hub has notably been strengthened with a dedicated handling centre for healthcare and pharmaceutical products. In addition, Luxembourg-based logistics operators have implemented a solution making Luxembourg the first airfreight gateway in the world to become fully Good Distribution Practices (GDP) compliant, qualified and certified according to the latest WHO and EU GDP guidelines.
Located between two of the biggest European consumer markets, Germany and France, Luxembourg is perfectly positioned to become a prime European logistics hub for cross-border e-retailers shipping goods directly to EU consumers or setting up e-fulfilment centres here. Luxembourg-based logistics service providers offer dedicated quality services for the needs of online retailers.
Digitalisation and new technological developments, such as the internet of things, predictive analytics, robotics and artificial intelligence, are reshaping processes along the entire logistics value chain. Luxembourg’s size, agility, outstanding digital infrastructure and determination to be on the cutting edge of new technological advances make it a perfect “living lab” for testing innovative solutions in a real environment. Companies established here benefit in particular from the government’s openness when it comes to implementing necessary regulatory and practical adaptations.
To fulfil its environmental and sustainability commitments, Luxembourg actively supports companies innovating in the fields of clean technologies, zero-emission transportation solutions and circular economy initiatives.
Luxembourg offers a paperless custom environment (e-customs) and is an IATA-certified e-freight location. The electronic consignment note (e-CRM) protocol has been adopted. The Single Window for Logistics offers comprehensive information about logistics infrastructures and activities in Luxembourg and is in the process of becoming a single administrative point of access to the State.
Other key advantages of Luxembourg include:
Luxembourg hosts the full range of experienced logistics service providers – carriers, handling agents, forwarding agents, among others – enabling the provision of just-in-time access to EU markets. As a result, numerous international companies are shipping their products through and from Luxembourg to their European or international customers.
The Cluster for Logistics serves, represents and promotes the Luxembourg logistics community. It also facilitates networking and exchange about innovation.