Luxembourg is consistently nurturing health technology innovation and stimulating the shift towards personalised medicine. The country has a comprehensive ecosystem where innovative healthtech companies can flourish, interact with public research and hospitals, and tailor their offering to the requirements and regulations of the EU market.
Internationally renowned biomedical research centres and a growing community of healthtech companies contribute to the focus on personalised medicine in Luxembourg. Many businesses have a digital focus and benefit from the favourable environment for data-driven innovation.
Health technology companies in Luxembourg focus in particular on three fields that are at the heart of personalised medicine as they enable the development of data-based decision-making support tools as well as new types of diagnostic tests.
Healthtech companies that open offices in Luxembourg can access physical hosting infrastructures adapted to their needs.
The House of Biohealth offers over 17,000 m2 of office and lab space to both established and startup companies. It has all the necessary permissions for wet labs, which is a considerable advantage for resident companies.
Several other incubators, such as Technoport and the Luxembourg City Incubator, also host numerous healthtech startups.
The forthcoming HE:AL Campus, currently under construction, will be dedicated to health and life science innovation. Located between the House of Biohealth, a future major hospital centre servicing the south of Luxembourg, and the nearby City of Sciences that hosts the University of Luxembourg and several other research institutes, the campus will be a geographical bridge between research, innovation and the medical sector.