The European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC) has launched a call for applications to select the first cohort of commercial projects to be accelerated under its new programme.
Based in Luxembourg, the European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC) is the world’s first innovation centre entirely dedicated to space resources. It was launched in November 2020, as an initiative of the Luxembourg Space Agency (LSA) and the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) in strategic partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA).
Early this year, ESRIC announced that it had been tasked by the European Space Agency (ESA) with conceptualising a Space Resources Accelerator, the world’s first business accelerator devoted to the lunar economy, in collaboration with a network of partners.
On 22 July 2024, it launched a call for applications to select its first cohort of commercial projects for the accelerator. The programme aims to provide technical, commercial and financial support for the development and maturation of selected projects, terrestrial or in-space demonstrations.
The call targets commercial entities–standalone or leading a consortium–proposing to develop a commercial solution–product or service–relevant to the lunar resources value chain. A second webinar will be held on 5 September to disclose more information about the initiative.
“The Space Resources Accelerator is an important element of our overall strategy. We are putting a variety of actions in place to grow and engage a community that can support sustainable space exploration and commercialization activities. This initiative in particular is aimed to accelerate specific commercial projects towards building a value chain around space resources.” states Bernhard Hufenbach, Commercialization and Innovation Lead at ESA.
“Overall, the goal of the initiative is to stimulate lunar exploration and support relevant technologies that can be co-funded by the public and private sectors. ESRIC is thrilled to support these projects with R&D expertise, state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities, so they can be ready for future lunar missions. Companies accelerated will be able to access non-dilutive public financing from ESA, matched by private funding, including private equity investments, explains Alexander Godlewski, Business Accelerator Officer.
“We believe that the Space Resources Accelerator is a particularly good fit for SMEs evolving from start-up to scale-up, with continuity in the support provided to the ventures incubated in the Start-up Support Programme, as well as ESA Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs).” says Lari Cujko, leading the incubation programme at ESRIC.
Subject to ESA Member States approval, ESA intends to unlock up to €1 million to co-fund the commercial projects selected in the first cohort of the Space Resources Accelerator. The space agency provides 50% of the financing, which must be matched by private co-funding to cover project implementation expenses. This could include financing technology, service or capability demonstrations in relevant environments, for example, terrestrial demonstrations in analogue facilities or space-based demonstrations in orbit.
The Accelerator was created to cater to the needs of the private sector. Its services include support to attract investors and secure co-funding to access to technical experts, facilities, and market knowledge to get projects up and running.
The programme also aims to add value to other programmes such as the ESA & ESRIC Space Resources Challenge and the Start-up Support Programme, ESRIC’s business incubation programme dedicated to space resources.